The Minnesota Timberwolves will host Native American Heritage Night on Wednesday, Nov. 9 when the Timberwolves host the Phoenix Suns. Native American Heritage Night celebrates the rich heritage, traditions and culture of the Bdewakantunwan Dakota people of Prairie Island Indian Community.
“Minnesota Strong” PSA: Anti-bullying PSA presented by the Prairie Island Indian Community promotes message of cultural inclusion with appearances from Timberwolves and Lynx players, coaches, alumni and members of the Prairie Island Indian Community Tribal Council. The PSA will be shared across Timberwolves and Lynx social channels, with proceeds from shares and retweets throughout the month of November benefiting the Minneapolis American Indian Center’s Culture Language and Arts Network (CLAN) program.
Prairie Island Indian Community Tribal Member DJ: Austin Owen will DJ alongside Timberwolves DJ Mad Mardigan for the evening.
Flag Song: Prairie Island Indian Community members will perform their Flag Song pregame along with singers and dancers performing at half-time.
Prairie Island Indian Community Historical Display: Located at the atrium concourse, fans can visit the historical display and learn about the Prairie Island Indian Community’s history in Minnesota.
“Dollars for Dunks”: A new program this season presented by Treasure Island Resort & Casino. For every slam dunk by a Timberwolves player through the remainder of the regular season, Treasure Island will donate $100 (up to $50,000) to the Fastbreak Foundation.
Native American Heritage Night T-shirts: During the game, Action Pack will toss Native American Heritage Night t-shirts. A limited edition Native American Heritage shirt, designed in partnership with the Prairie Island Indian Community and Treasure Island Resort & Casino, will be available for purchase throughout the month of November in the Timberwolves Team Store. All proceeds from the sale of the shirt will be donated to the Minneapolis American Indian Center’s Culture Language and Arts Network (CLAN) program.
Fhima’s Test Kitchen Native American Dish: Chef Thomas Chasing Bear will serve a special Bison and Wild Rice Meatball with Wojapi Glaze and Winter Squash Purée. Fans can find the dish at Fhima’s Test Kitchen (Section 126).
“Native American Heritage Night is a special night for our fans and the community at large,” said Timberwolves and Lynx CEO Ethan Casson. “We’re excited to celebrate the evening and look forward to supporting initiatives throughout the month.”
Native American Heritage Month is celebrated annually during the month of November. Native American Heritage Day is a civil holiday observed the day after Thanksgiving.
(info courtesy of Timberwolves)